Thursday 10 December 2020

DIY Hot Chocolate Bombs

 Let's start this off by saying I am no chocolatier, this is very much a homemade mess, a tasty one nonetheless. I shared on my social media a hot chocolate bomb that I had made myself & have since been asked a lot about how to make them, so I thought I'd put together a quick post on how I made them, plus you may be more skilled than me & make them look wonderful!

Monday 9 March 2020

Outside-In Food Court | Portsmouth

* Press visit*

Recently the food scene around the country has been having a bit of a change up with a lot of the focus being on Independents & street food vendors. At the moment, the place to go for a different kind of dining experience is Portsmouth, specifically *Outside-In Food Court, I  haven't experienced a dining concept like this before but I am 110% here for it.

Monday 2 March 2020

*Dermalogica Body Collection

*This post contains gifted items*
Okay, so I accidentally took a bit of a break thanks to Christmas, a lot of hours at work & a lot of illness, I seemed to catch something else just as I think I'm okay again! Anyway, this is a very delayed post but you're still getting it because you need to know about these new addition to *Dermalogica's extensive skincare range. Just when you think they couldn't possibly have space for even more products they drop a whole new collection!