Sunday 26 November 2017

NYX In Your Element | Fire

I'm a sucker for a good eyeshadow palette, which would explain my unnecessarily large collection. I'm also a sucker for anything that is associated with astrology and the elements of astrology too. I've always been very interested in the studies of astrology and how planets and motions are believed to have a direct influence on a persons character. I read up about my zodiac sign and element, call me stupid, but I've read definitions behind each and find myself nodding along thinking yeah, that's me. So once I clocked the NYX In Your Element collection hidden away in the Boot's Christmas shop area, I picked up the Fire palette with out even looking at the shades.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Tea Revv | Tea 24 Advent Calendar

I'm about to sound like the worst blogger ever but, beauty advent calendars just don't do it for me, tea on the other hand most definitely will. I had never heard of a loose leaf tea advent calendar until an email from *Tea Revv popped up in my inbox, who could say no to perfectly spiced seasonal tea? Not me! 

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Latest In Beauty | A Build Your Own Beauty Box

From since I can remember, I've been umming and ahhing about trying out a beauty box sub. Are they worth the money? Do you actually get good products? Is it all just samples? Luckily for me *Latest In Beauty got in touch to see if I would like to try out one of their beauty boxes and even pick the products myself.